-*- M2 -*- Title: Nauty Interface: automorphism groups of graphs Description: An interface to the software package nauty and gtools, written by Brendan McKay, a program for computing automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs. The package is available at http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/nauty/. ============================================================================= Proposed by: David Cook II Potential Advisor: Project assigned to: David Cook II , 14 April, 2010 Current status: done ============================================================================= Progress log: April 14, 2010: Under development. April 21, 2010: I have a minor release (0.4) of nauty available at http://www.ms.uky.edu/~dcook/files/Nauty.m2 It is fairly complete and has tests for every exported function but it is lacking documentation. July 29, 2010: I have another release (0.5) of the Nauty package available at http://www.ms.uky.edu/~dcook/files/Nauty.m2 It has (hopefully!) complete documentation and tests for all exported functions. I have fixed a few minor glitches as well. So, as far as I know it is done. I have yet to receive any bug reports.