-*- M2 -*- Title: Resultants, discriminants, and Chow forms Description: An M2 package on resultants/discriminants/Chow forms. As far as I'm aware there is a rather old M2 code by Laurent Bus\'e (on his web page) computing Bezoutians, Macaulay resultants, etc but one could probably try to salvage it and mainly add lots of new things to it, and do things better now (use BGG, A-discriminants, etc) --Mike: Laurent Buse is still interested in this. ============================================================================= Proposed by: Sorin Popescu Potential Advisor: Mike Stillman Project assigned to: Daniel Giaimo Current status: just started (12 Jan 2011) ============================================================================= Progress log: Comments to Dan Giaimo from Mike, 12 Jan 2011: I did write some engine code to help with construction of these matrices, but did not go further than that, but we should use that code when rewriting Laurent Buse's code. I see several things to do: 0. make a package, design an interface that we will like to use 1. get Laurent's code working on a modern M2, in this package (I think this includes Macaulay, and Bezoutian forms). 2. we need examples for testing! 3. possibly add in the sparse (toric) resultant. 4. possibly add in the "other" forms for resultants (e.g. from Eisenbud-Schreyer, or GKZ discriminants book, see also recent papers of D'Andrea and co-authors). 5. the determinant of a complex (possibly this should be its own package. This would be very useful).