-*- M2 -*- Title: Schur polynomials Description: An M2 package for the ring of symmetric polynomials: Elementary symmetric, Schur polynomials, complete symmetric, Jacobi-Trudi formula, Kostka numbers, Hall-Littlewood functions, zonal polynomials, or Jack symmetric polynomials, etc. So essentially different orthogonal bases (for the various scalar products) for the ring of symmetric functions, and their algebra (e.g. conversion from one basis to another, compute coefficients). Part of this might already exist in the Schur.m2 M2 package, and the whole would duplicate/port to some extent what is available from Stembridge's package in Maple. It would also be useful for the Schubert project above... --Mike, March, 2008: Schur rings are implemented in the engine. There is an M2 package --called "SchurRings" in M2/Macaulay2/packages/SchurRings.m2, written by --Schenck and Stillman. It's almost working. ============================================================================= Proposed by: Sorin Popescu Potential Advisor: Mike Stillman Project assigned to: Mike Current status: ============================================================================= Progress log: