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Invoking the program

On systems with a command line interface, the following commands can be used to start the program. When the program starts up, the initialization file, init.m2, will be loaded.

M2 -- starts the program.

M2 file1 file2 ... -- starts the program, reading and executing the specified files.

The options that can be provided on the command line may be displayed by running M2 --help.
i1 : assert(0 == run (commandLine#0 | " --help"));
    M2-binary [option ...] [file ...]
    --help             print this brief help message and exit
    --no-backtrace     print no backtrace after error
    --copyright        display full copyright messasge
    --no-debug         do not enter debugger upon error
    --debug n          debug warning message n by signalling an error
    --int              don't handle interrupts
    --notify           notify when loading files during initialization
                       and when evaluating command line arguments
    --prefix DIR       set prefixDirectory
    --print-width n    set printWidth=n (the default is the window width)
    --restarted        used internally to indicate this is a restart
    --read-only-files  disallow file and socket creation and writing
    --script           as first argument, interpret second argument as name of a script
                       implies --stop, --no-debug, --silent and -q
                       see scriptCommandLine
    --silent           no startup banner
    --stop             exit on error
    --texmacs          TeXmacs session mode
    --version          print version number and exit
    --webapp           WebApp session mode
    --no-core          don't load the Core
    --no-preload       don't load the preloaded packages
    --no-prompts       print no input prompts
    --no-randomize     don't set the random number seed based on the date
    --no-readline      don't use readline
    --no-threads       don't start any additional threads (or tasks)
    --no-time          arrange for the current time to be always 0
    --no-tty           do not treat stdin and stdout as tty's
    --no-tvalues       do not load tvalues.m2
    -q                 don't load user's init.m2 file or use packages in home directory
    -E '...'           evaluate expression '...' before initialization
    -e '...'           evaluate expression '...' after initialization
    --srcdir '...'     add top source or build tree '...' to initial path
    --check n          run tests to level n
                           n=1: basic tests
                           n=2: test Core
                           n=3: test all packages
    EDITOR             default text editor
    GC_INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE      (gc: initial heap size in bytes)
    GC_PRINT_STATS            (gc: turn on logging)
    GC_PRINT_VERBOSE_STATS    (gc: turn on more verbose logging)
    GC_LOG_FILE               (gc: name of log file)
    GC_DUMP_REGULARLY         (gc: dump state regularly)
    GC_NPROCS                 (gc: number of threads to use, linux)

To terminate the program, one may type exit, quit, end, or the end of file character.

See also