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gfanLeadingTerms -- leading terms of a list (or list of lists) of marked polynomials



This method produces a list of the marked terms in a marked polynomial list. If the m option is used it produces a list of the leading terms for a list of marked polynomial lists.

This functionality is already provided in Macaulay 2 by the first function.

i1 : QQ[x,y,z];
i2 : L = gfanMarkPolynomialSet({x*y^3+z^4, x^2*z^2 + y^3*z}, {-1,2,5})

        4       3    3      2 2
o2 = {(z ) + x*y , (y z) + x z }

o2 : MarkedPolynomialList
i3 : gfanLeadingTerms L

       4   3
o3 = {z , y z}

o3 : List
i4 : first L

       4   3
o4 = {z , y z}

o4 : List
i5 : M = gfanMarkPolynomialSet({x^2*y+y*z^2, x*z^2 + x*y*z}, {-1,2,5})

          2     2       2
o5 = {(y*z ) + x y, (x*z ) + x*y*z}

o5 : MarkedPolynomialList
i6 : gfanLeadingTerms({M,L}, "m" => true)

          2     2     4   3
o6 = {{y*z , x*z }, {z , y z}}

o6 : List
i7 : {M,L} / first

          2     2     4   3
o7 = {{y*z , x*z }, {z , y z}}

o7 : List

gfan Documentation

This program converts a list of polynomials to a list of their leading terms.
 Do the same thing for a list of polynomial sets. That is, output the set of sets of leading terms.

Ways to use gfanLeadingTerms :

For the programmer

The object gfanLeadingTerms is a method function with options.