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Packages » A1BrouwerDegrees :: PfisterForm
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PfisterForm -- the Grothendieck-Witt class of a Pfister form



Given a sequence of elements $a_1,\ldots,a_n \in k$ we can form the Pfister form $\langle\langle a_1,\ldots,a_n\rangle\rangle$ defined to be the rank $2^n$ form defined as the product $\langle 1, -a_1\rangle \otimes \cdots \otimes \langle 1, -a_n \rangle$.

i1 : PfisterForm(QQ,(2,6))

o1 = GrothendieckWittClass{cache => CacheTable{}   }
                           matrix => | 1 0  0  0  |
                                     | 0 -6 0  0  |
                                     | 0 0  -2 0  |
                                     | 0 0  0  12 |

o1 : GrothendieckWittClass

Inputting a ring element, an integer, or a rational instead of a sequence will produce a one-fold Pfister form instead. For instance:

i2 : PfisterForm(GF(13),-2/3)

o2 = GrothendieckWittClass{cache => CacheTable{}}
                           matrix => | 1 0 |
                                     | 0 5 |

o2 : GrothendieckWittClass
i3 : PfisterForm(CC,3)

o3 = GrothendieckWittClass{cache => CacheTable{}}
                           matrix => | 1 0  |
                                     | 0 -3 |

o3 : GrothendieckWittClass

Ways to use PfisterForm :

For the programmer

The object PfisterForm is a method function.