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Packages » AdjunctionForSurfaces :: expectedDimension
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expectedDimension -- compute the expected dimension of a linear system on a rational surface



computes the expected dimension max(0,binomial(d+2,2)-sum binomial(r_i+1,2)) of a linear system with assigned base points on P2

i1 : d=8

o1 = 8
i2 : L=toList(3:3)|toList(2:4)|{1}

o2 = {3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1}

o2 : List
i3 : expectedDimension(d,L)

o3 = 6
i4 : kk=ZZ/nextPrime(10^3)

o4 = kk

o4 : QuotientRing
i5 : t=symbol t

o5 = t

o5 : Symbol
i6 : P2=kk[t_0..t_2]

o6 = P2

o6 : PolynomialRing
i7 : betti(H=linearSystemOnRationalSurface(P2,d,L))

            0 1
o7 = total: 1 6
         0: 1 .
         1: . .
         2: . .
         3: . .
         4: . .
         5: . .
         6: . .
         7: . 6

o7 : BettiTally

Ways to use expectedDimension :

For the programmer

The object expectedDimension is a method function.