Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » AssociativeAlgebras :: ncMatrixMult
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ncMatrixMult -- Correctly multiplies matrices from noncommutative rings.



This function is provided as a temporary band-aid for matrix multiplication over a noncommutative ring, as well as a reminder that it must be repaired eventually.

i1 : A = QQ<|x,y|>

o1 = A

o1 : FreeAlgebra
i2 : M = matrix {{x}}

o2 = | x |

             1      1
o2 : Matrix A  <-- A
i3 : N = matrix {{y}}

o3 = | y |

             1      1
o3 : Matrix A  <-- A
i4 : M*N

o4 = | yx |

             1      1
o4 : Matrix A  <-- A
i5 : assert(ncMatrixMult(M,N) == matrix {{x*y}})

Ways to use ncMatrixMult :

For the programmer

The object ncMatrixMult is a method function.