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Packages » Complexes :: chainComplex(ComplexMap)
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chainComplex(ComplexMap) -- translate between data types for chain complexes



Both ChainComplexMap and ComplexMap are Macaulay2 types that implement maps between chain complexes. The plan is to replace ChainComplexMap with this new type. Before this happens, this function allows interoperability between these types.

The first example is the minimal free resolution of the twisted cubic curve.

i1 : R = ZZ/101[a..d];
i2 : I = monomialCurveIdeal(R, {1,2,3})

             2                    2
o2 = ideal (c  - b*d, b*c - a*d, b  - a*c)

o2 : Ideal of R
i3 : M = R^1/I

o3 = cokernel | c2-bd bc-ad b2-ac |

o3 : R-module, quotient of R
i4 : D = freeResolution M

      1      3      2
o4 = R  <-- R  <-- R
     0      1      2

o4 : Complex
i5 : C = resolution M

      1      3      2
o5 = R  <-- R  <-- R  <-- 0
     0      1      2      3

o5 : ChainComplex
i6 : g = D.dd

          1                             3
o6 = 0 : R  <------------------------- R  : 1
               | b2-ac bc-ad c2-bd |

          3                     2
     1 : R  <----------------- R  : 2
               {2} | -c d  |
               {2} | b  -c |
               {2} | -a b  |

o6 : ComplexMap
i7 : f = chainComplex g

          1                             3
o7 = 0 : R  <------------------------- R  : 1
               | b2-ac bc-ad c2-bd |

          3                     2
     1 : R  <----------------- R  : 2
               {2} | -c d  |
               {2} | b  -c |
               {2} | -a b  |

o7 : ChainComplexMap
i8 : assert(f == C.dd)

We construct a random morphism of chain complexes.

i9 : J = ideal vars R

o9 = ideal (a, b, c, d)

o9 : Ideal of R
i10 : C1 = resolution(R^1/J)

       1      4      6      4      1
o10 = R  <-- R  <-- R  <-- R  <-- R  <-- 0
      0      1      2      3      4      5

o10 : ChainComplex
i11 : D1 = freeResolution(R^1/J)

       1      4      6      4      1
o11 = R  <-- R  <-- R  <-- R  <-- R
      0      1      2      3      4

o11 : Complex
i12 : g = randomComplexMap(D1, D, Cycle => true)

           1               1
o12 = 0 : R  <----------- R  : 0
                | -16 |

           4                                                          3
      1 : R  <------------------------------------------------------ R  : 1
                {1} | -19b+45c-34d    -19b+8c-3d  -10b-22c-47d   |
                {1} | 19a-16b+24c+39d 19a+22c+29d 10a-39c+29d    |
                {1} | -29a-24b-15d    -8a-38b-28d 22a+39b-16c-7d |
                {1} | 34a-39b+15c     19a-29b+28c 47a-13b+7c     |

           6                                                 2
      2 : R  <--------------------------------------------- R  : 2
                {2} | -10a+19b+44c+36d 10b+2c-24d       |
                {2} | -22a+30b+45c-22d b+8c+9d          |
                {2} | 24a-38b+24c+43d  21a+39b+22c+23d  |
                {2} | -47a-33b-12c     -11b+44c+34d     |
                {2} | -36a-29b-4c      -43a-13b-18c-39d |
                {2} | -29a-30b-15c     38a-47b-28c+15d  |

o12 : ComplexMap
i13 : f = chainComplex g

           1               1
o13 = 0 : R  <----------- R  : 0
                | -16 |

           4                                                          3
      1 : R  <------------------------------------------------------ R  : 1
                {1} | -19b+45c-34d    -19b+8c-3d  -10b-22c-47d   |
                {1} | 19a-16b+24c+39d 19a+22c+29d 10a-39c+29d    |
                {1} | -29a-24b-15d    -8a-38b-28d 22a+39b-16c-7d |
                {1} | 34a-39b+15c     19a-29b+28c 47a-13b+7c     |

           6                                                 2
      2 : R  <--------------------------------------------- R  : 2
                {2} | -10a+19b+44c+36d 10b+2c-24d       |
                {2} | -22a+30b+45c-22d b+8c+9d          |
                {2} | 24a-38b+24c+43d  21a+39b+22c+23d  |
                {2} | -47a-33b-12c     -11b+44c+34d     |
                {2} | -36a-29b-4c      -43a-13b-18c-39d |
                {2} | -29a-30b-15c     38a-47b-28c+15d  |

o13 : ChainComplexMap
i14 : assert(g == complex f)
i15 : assert(isComplexMorphism g)


This is a temporary method to allow comparisons among the data types, and will be removed once the older data structure is replaced

See also

Ways to use this method: