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Packages » ConformalBlocks :: basisOfSymmetricCurves
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basisOfSymmetricCurves -- produces a basis of symmetric curves



This function returns the list of F curves $\{F_{1,1,i,n-i-2}: 1 \leq i \leq [n/2]\}$. This set of curves is a basis for $H_2(\bar{M}_{0,n})_{Q}^{S_n}$; see e.g. [AGSS]. The symmetric F-curve $F_{1,1,i,n-i-2}$ is represented by the list of integers \{1,1,i,n-i-2\}.

i1 : basisOfSymmetricCurves(8)

o1 = {{5, 1, 1, 1}, {4, 2, 1, 1}, {3, 3, 1, 1}}

o1 : List

Ways to use basisOfSymmetricCurves :

For the programmer

The object basisOfSymmetricCurves is a method function.