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Packages » CorrespondenceScrolls :: correspondencePolynomial
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correspondencePolynomial -- computes the Hilbert polynomial of a correspondence scroll



Let M be a module over a polynomial ring P = kk[x_{0,0}..x_{0,a_0}..x_{n-1,0}..x_{n-1,a_{n-1}}] graded with degree x_{i,j} = e_i, the i-th unit vector, and let b = {b_0..b_{n-1}} be a list of integers. The code computes the multigraded Hilbert polynomial mH(h_0,..,h_{n-1}) and returns H(h) = mH(b_0*h_0, .., b_{n-1}*h_{n-1}).

i1 : P = productOfProjectiveSpaces {1,1}

o1 = P

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : Delta = smallDiagonal P

o2 = ideal(- x   x    + x   x   )
              0,1 1,0    0,0 1,1

o2 : Ideal of P
i3 : M = P^1/(Delta^2)

o3 = cokernel | x_(0,1)^2x_(1,0)^2-2x_(0,0)x_(0,1)x_(1,0)x_(1,1)+x_(0,0)^2x_(1,1)^2 |

o3 : P-module, quotient of P
i4 : correspondencePolynomial (M,{1,1})

o4 = 4s

o4 : QQ[s]
i5 : correspondencePolynomial (M,{2,2})

o5 = 8s

o5 : QQ[s]

See also

Ways to use correspondencePolynomial :

For the programmer

The object correspondencePolynomial is a method function with options.