Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » DeterminantalRepresentations :: hadamard
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hadamard -- computes the Hadamard product of two matrices



This method computes the Hadamard product of two matrices $A, B$ of the same size. The Hadamard product is defined as the componentwise product, i.e., if $A, B$ are $m\times n$ matrices, then the Hadamard product is the $m\times n$ matrix with $(i,j)$ entry equal to $A_{i,j}*B_{i,j}$.

i1 : (A1, A2) = (random(ZZ^2, ZZ^3), random(ZZ^2, ZZ^3))

o1 = (| 8 3 8 |, | 3 8 5 |)
      | 1 7 3 |  | 7 8 7 |

o1 : Sequence
i2 : hadamard(A1, A2)

o2 = | 24 24 40 |
     | 7  56 21 |

              2       3
o2 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ

Ways to use hadamard :

For the programmer

The object hadamard is a method function.