Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » DeterminantalRepresentations :: randomUnipotent
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randomUnipotent -- constructs a random unipotent matrix



This method returns a random unipotent matrix of a given size $n$, which is upper triangular with all diagonal entries equal to $1$. if a ring $R$ is provided, then the output is a matrix over $R$ - by default, the output is a matrix over QQ.

i1 : randomUnipotent 5

o1 = | 1 9/2 1/2 9/4 1/2 |
     | 0 1   1   3/4 3/2 |
     | 0 0   1   3/4 7/4 |
     | 0 0   0   1   7/9 |
     | 0 0   0   0   1   |

              5       5
o1 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ
i2 : randomUnipotent(3, CC)

o2 = | 1 .706096+.127435ii .254482+.741046ii |
     | 0 1                 .108386+.348931ii |
     | 0 0                 1                 |

                3         3
o2 : Matrix CC    <-- CC
              53        53
i3 : randomUnipotent(3, RR[x,y])

o3 = | 1 .562428 .246268 |
     | 0 1       .153346 |
     | 0 0       1       |

                        3                 3
o3 : Matrix (RR  [x..y])  <-- (RR  [x..y])
               53                53

Ways to use randomUnipotent :

For the programmer

The object randomUnipotent is a method function.