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Packages » DeterminantalRepresentations :: roundMatrix
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roundMatrix -- lifts matrix over RR to matrix over QQ



This method converts a real matrix to a rational matrix, by rounding each entry. The input $n$ specifies the number of (decimal) digits used for rounding.

i1 : A = matrix{{1, 2.5, -13/17}, {2*pi, 4.7, sqrt(2)}}

o1 = | 1       2.5 -.764706 |
     | 6.28319 4.7 1.41421  |

                2         3
o1 : Matrix RR    <-- RR
              53        53
i2 : roundMatrix(5, A)

o2 = | 1             5/2   -76471/100000 |
     | 628319/100000 47/10 141421/100000 |

              2       3
o2 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ

See also

Ways to use roundMatrix :

For the programmer

The object roundMatrix is a method function.