Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » EllipticCurves :: ellCurve(List,Thing)
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ellCurve(List,Thing) -- A method for creating elliptic curves in Weierstrass form.



Returns an elliptic curve in Weierstrass with coefficients from the list.

i1 : ellCurve({1,2,3,4,6},GF(29))

o1 = Elliptic Curve defined by Y^2 + 1 XY + 3 Y = X^3 + 2 X^2 + 4 X + 6( over(GF 29 .))

o1 : EllipticCurveW
i2 : ellCurve({0,-1,1,-10,-20},QQ)

o2 = Elliptic Curve defined by Y^2 + 0 XY + 1 Y = X^3 + (-1)X^2 + (-10)X + (-20)( over(QQ .))

o2 : EllipticCurveW

Ways to use this method: