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Packages » EquivariantGB :: PriorityQueue
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PriorityQueue -- an efficient mutable priority queue implementation


A priority queue is a data structure for storing a collection of totally ordered objects and keeping track of the minimum. This binomial heap implementation allows for efficiently adding a new element to the queue, accessing or deleting the minimum element, or merging two queues. Efficiently means time logarithmic in the size of the queue, or better.

i1 : Q = priorityQueue {3,7,1,5}

o1 = PriorityQueue{...4...}

o1 : PriorityQueue
i2 : min Q

o2 = 1
i3 : deleteMin Q;
i4 : insert(Q,2);
i5 : min Q

o5 = 2
i6 : R = priorityQueue {4,6,8};
i7 : QR = mergePQ(Q,R);
i8 : length QR

o8 = 7

Methods that use an object of class PriorityQueue :

For the programmer

The object PriorityQueue is a type, with ancestor classes MutableHashTable < HashTable < Thing.
