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Packages » ForeignFunctions :: ForeignIntegerType
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ForeignIntegerType -- foreign integer type


This is the class of the various C integer types. There are built-in types for signed and unsigned integers of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits. Signed types begin with int and unsigned types with uint, and the number of bits is indicated by a numeric suffix.

i1 : int8

o1 = int8

o1 : ForeignIntegerType
i2 : uint32

o2 = uint32

o2 : ForeignIntegerType

There are also a number of aliases to these types without the numeric suffixes. Note the single quote on char' to avoid conflicting with char. Also note that the number of bits for long and ulong is system-dependent (32 on 32-bit systems and 64 on 64-bit systems).

i3 : char'

o3 = int8

o3 : ForeignIntegerType
i4 : uchar

o4 = uint8

o4 : ForeignIntegerType
i5 : short

o5 = int16

o5 : ForeignIntegerType
i6 : ushort

o6 = uint16

o6 : ForeignIntegerType
i7 : int

o7 = int32

o7 : ForeignIntegerType
i8 : uint

o8 = uint32

o8 : ForeignIntegerType
i9 : long

o9 = int64

o9 : ForeignIntegerType
i10 : ulong

o10 = uint64

o10 : ForeignIntegerType

See also

Methods that use a foreign integer type :

Fixed objects of class ForeignIntegerType :

For the programmer

The object ForeignIntegerType is a type, with ancestor classes ForeignType < Type < MutableHashTable < HashTable < Thing.