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Packages » GKMVarieties :: momentGraph(GKMVariety,MomentGraph)
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momentGraph(GKMVariety,MomentGraph) -- define a moment graph for a GKM variety



This methods sets a given MomentGraph G to be the moment graph of a GKMVariety X. If a moment graph was already defined for X, then overwrites it and prints that it has done so.

i1 : R = makeCharacterRing 4

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : X = makeGKMVariety({set{0},set{1},set{2},set{3}},R)

o2 = a "GKM variety" with an action of a 4-dimensional torus

o2 : GKMVariety
i3 : X.?momentGraph

o3 = false
i4 : PP3 = projectiveSpace 3

o4 = a "GKM variety" with an action of a 4-dimensional torus

o4 : GKMVariety
i5 : G = momentGraph PP3

o5 = a "moment graph" on 4 vertices with 6 edges 

o5 : MomentGraph
i6 : momentGraph(X,G)
i7 : X.?momentGraph

o7 = true
i8 : momentGraph X

o8 = a "moment graph" on 4 vertices with 6 edges 

o8 : MomentGraph
i9 : momentGraph(X,G)
 warning: overwriting a previously defined moment graph on this GKM variety 

See also

Ways to use this method: