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Packages » GKMVarieties :: pullback(EquivariantMap)
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pullback(EquivariantMap) -- computes the pullback map of equivariant K-classes of an equivariant map



Given two GKM varieties $X$ and $Y$, this method computes the pullback of a KClass on $Y$ along an equivariant morphism $X \to Y$.

i1 : R = makeCharacterRing 4;
i2 : FlGr = generalizedFlagVariety("A",3,{1,2},R)

o2 = a "GKM variety" with an action of a 4-dimensional torus

o2 : GKMVariety
i3 : Gr24 = generalizedFlagVariety("A",3,{2},R)

o3 = a "GKM variety" with an action of a 4-dimensional torus

o3 : GKMVariety
i4 : f = flagMap(FlGr,Gr24)

o4 = an "equivariant map" of GKM varieties 

o4 : EquivariantMap
i5 : O1 = ampleKClass Gr24

o5 = an "equivariant K-class" on a GKM variety 

o5 : KClass
i6 : (pullback f)(O1)

o6 = an "equivariant K-class" on a GKM variety 

o6 : KClass

See also

Ways to use this method: