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Packages » GKMVarieties :: trivialKClass
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trivialKClass -- the equivariant K-class of the structure sheaf



Given a GKM variety $X$ this function computes the KClass of the structure sheaf $O_X$. In terms of the localization map, $O_X$ corresponds to the constant function $1$.

i1 : X = projectiveSpace 3;
i2 : C = trivialKClass X;
i3 : peek C

o3 = KClass{KPolynomials => HashTable{set {0} => 1}                           }
                                      set {1} => 1
                                      set {2} => 1
                                      set {3} => 1
            variety => a "GKM variety" with an action of a 4-dimensional torus

Ways to use trivialKClass :

For the programmer

The object trivialKClass is a method function.