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Packages » GraphicalModels :: gaussianMatrices
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gaussianMatrices -- matrices whose minors generate the Gaussian conditional independence ideal



This method displays a list of matrices whose minors generate the Gaussian conditional independence ideal. It is called as a subroutine in conditionalIndependenceIdeal but it is useful to list these matrices explicitly.

i1 : R = gaussianRing 4;
i2 : Stmts = {{{1,2},{3},{4}}, {{1},{3},{}}}

o2 = {{{1, 2}, {3}, {4}}, {{1}, {3}, {}}}

o2 : List
i3 : compactMatrixForm =false;
i4 : gaussianMatrices(R,Stmts)

o4 = {|  s     s     |, |  s     |}
      |   1,3   1,4  |  |   1,3  |
      |              |
      |  s     s     |
      |   2,3   2,4  |
      |              |
      |  s     s     |
      |   3,4   4,4  |

o4 : List

See also

Ways to use gaussianMatrices :

For the programmer

The object gaussianMatrices is a method function.