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Packages » Graphics :: mergeFormattedGraphicPrimitives(FormattedGraphicPrimitives,FormattedGraphicPrimitives)
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mergeFormattedGraphicPrimitives(FormattedGraphicPrimitives,FormattedGraphicPrimitives) -- merge two lists of graphic primitives with options



The list of graphic primitives are concatenated and the graphic options are merged according to the value of two options "keep" (either "1or2", "1" or "2") and "priority" (either "1" or "2").

i1 : myoptions1= new HashTable from {"fill"=>"black"}

o1 = HashTable{"fill" => black}

o1 : HashTable
i2 : myoptions2= new HashTable from {"fill"=>"blue","stroke"=>"red"}

o2 = HashTable{"fill" => blue }
               "stroke" => red

o2 : HashTable
i3 : fgp1=formatGraphicPrimitives({point(20,30),point(40,50)},myoptions1)

o3 = FormattedGraphicPrimitives{{Point2D{20, 30}, Point2D{40, 50}}, HashTable{"fill" => black}}

o3 : FormattedGraphicPrimitives
i4 : fgp2=formatGraphicPrimitives({circle(point(30,40),10)},myoptions2)

o4 = FormattedGraphicPrimitives{{Circle{Point2D{30, 40}, 10}}, HashTable{"fill" => blue }}
                                                                         "stroke" => red

o4 : FormattedGraphicPrimitives
i5 : mergeFormattedGraphicPrimitives(fgp1,fgp2)

o5 = FormattedGraphicPrimitives{{Point2D{20, 30}, Point2D{40, 50}, Circle{Point2D{30, 40}, 10}}, HashTable{"fill" => black}}

o5 : FormattedGraphicPrimitives
i6 : mergeFormattedGraphicPrimitives(fgp1,fgp2,"keep"=>"2","priority"=>"1")

o6 = FormattedGraphicPrimitives{{Point2D{20, 30}, Point2D{40, 50}, Circle{Point2D{30, 40}, 10}}, HashTable{"fill" => black}}
                                                                                                           "stroke" => red

o6 : FormattedGraphicPrimitives

Ways to use this method: