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AppellF1 -- Appell F1 system of PDE's



i1 : w = {1,4/5,-2,3/2}

         4      3
o1 = {1, -, -2, -}
         5      2

o1 : List
i2 : I = AppellF1 w

               3  2    2           2  2               14 2     4        
o2 = ideal (- x Dx  - x y*Dx*Dy + x Dx  + x*y*Dx*Dy - --x Dx - -x*y*Dy +
                                                       5       5        
     3       4        2         3  2                2  2             3      
     -x*Dx - -x, - x*y Dx*Dy - y Dy  + x*y*Dx*Dy + y Dy  + 2x*y*Dx + -y*Dy +
     2       5                                                       2      
     2y, x*Dx*Dy - y*Dx*Dy + 2Dx + -Dy)

o2 : Ideal of QQ[x, y, Dx, Dy]


AppellF1 always returns a different ring and will use variables x and y. Input should be a List of 4 numbers.

See also

Ways to use AppellF1 :

For the programmer

The object AppellF1 is a method function with options.