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Storing Computations -- caching scheme for jets computations

In many cases, the jets method will store its results inside a CacheTable in the base object. When the method is called again with the same or a lower jets order, the result is pulled from the cache.

For polynomial rings, data is stored under *.jet.

i1 : R = QQ[x,y]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : R.?jet

o2 = false
i3 : jets(3,R)

o3 = QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2][x3, y3]

o3 : PolynomialRing
i4 : R.?jet

o4 = true
i5 : peek R.jet

o5 = CacheTable{jetsMaxOrder => 3                             }
                jetsRing => QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2][x3, y3]

Note also that rings of jets are built as towers from lower to higher jets orders. Therefore it is possible to store a single ring of the highest order computed thus far.

For ideals, data is stored under *.cache.jet. A single matrix is stored containing generators for the highest order of jets computed thus far. Generators for lower orders are recovered from this matrix without additional computations.

i6 : I = ideal (x^2 - y)

o6 = ideal(x  - y)

o6 : Ideal of R
i7 : I.cache.?jet

o7 = false
i8 : elapsedTime jets(3,I)
 -- 0.128359 seconds elapsed

                                                  2                 2
o8 = ideal (2x0*x3 - y3 + 2x1*x2, 2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)

o8 : Ideal of QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2][x3, y3]
i9 : I.cache.?jet

o9 = true
i10 : peek I.cache.jet

o10 = CacheTable{jetsMatrix => | 2x0x3-y3+2x1x2 |}
                               | 2x0x2-y2+x1^2  |
                               | 2x0x1-y1       |
                               | x0^2-y0        |
                 jetsMaxOrder => 3
i11 : elapsedTime jets(3,I)
 -- 0.00361384 seconds elapsed

                                                   2                 2
o11 = ideal (2x0*x3 - y3 + 2x1*x2, 2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)

o11 : Ideal of QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2][x3, y3]
i12 : elapsedTime jets(2,I)
 -- 0.00445843 seconds elapsed

                             2                 2
o12 = ideal (2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)

o12 : Ideal of QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2]

For quotient rings, data is stored under *.jet. Each jets order gives rise to a different quotient that is stored separately under *.jet.jetsRing (order zero jets are always included by default).

i13 : Q = R/I

o13 = Q

o13 : QuotientRing
i14 : Q.?jet

o14 = false
i15 : jets(3,Q)

                     QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2][x3, y3]
o15 = ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                             2                 2
      (2x0*x3 - y3 + 2x1*x2, 2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)

o15 : QuotientRing
i16 : Q.?jet

o16 = true
i17 : peek Q.jet.jetsRing

                                     QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2][x3, y3]
o17 = CacheTable{3 => ----------------------------------------------------------------}
                                                             2                 2
                      (2x0*x3 - y3 + 2x1*x2, 2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)
                      QQ[x0, y0]
                 0 => ----------
                       x0  - y0
i18 : jets(2,Q)

              QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2]
o18 = ------------------------------------------
                       2                 2
      (2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)

o18 : QuotientRing
i19 : peek Q.jet.jetsRing

                                     QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2][x3, y3]
o19 = CacheTable{3 => ----------------------------------------------------------------}
                                                             2                 2
                      (2x0*x3 - y3 + 2x1*x2, 2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)
                              QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2]
                 2 => ------------------------------------------
                                       2                 2
                      (2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)
                      QQ[x0, y0]
                 0 => ----------
                       x0  - y0

For ring homomorphisms, data is stored under *.cache.jet. A single matrix is stored describing the map for the highest order of jets computed thus far. Lower orders map are recovered from this matrix without additional computations.

i20 : S = QQ[t]

o20 = S

o20 : PolynomialRing
i21 : f = map(S,Q,{t,t^2})

o21 = map (S, Q, {t, t })

o21 : RingMap S <-- Q
i22 : isWellDefined f

o22 = true
i23 : f.cache.?jet

o23 = false
i24 : elapsedTime jets(3,f)
 -- 0.147154 seconds elapsed

                                              QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2][x3, y3]                                                      2                    2
o24 = map (QQ[t0][t1][t2][t3], ----------------------------------------------------------------, {t3, 2t0*t3 + 2t1*t2, t2, 2t0*t2 + t1 , t1, 2t0*t1, t0, t0 })
                                                                      2                 2
                               (2x0*x3 - y3 + 2x1*x2, 2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)

                                                    QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2][x3, y3]
o24 : RingMap QQ[t0][t1][t2][t3] <-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                            2                 2
                                     (2x0*x3 - y3 + 2x1*x2, 2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)
i25 : f.cache.?jet

o25 = true
i26 : peek f.cache.jet

o26 = CacheTable{jetsMatrix => | t3 2t0t3+2t1t2 |}
                               | t2 2t0t2+t1^2  |
                               | t1 2t0t1       |
                               | t0 t0^2        |
                 jetsMaxOrder => 3
i27 : elapsedTime jets(2,f)
 -- 0.00221267 seconds elapsed

                                   QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2]                          2                    2
o27 = map (QQ[t0][t1][t2], ------------------------------------------, {t2, 2t0*t2 + t1 , t1, 2t0*t1, t0, t0 })
                                            2                 2
                           (2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)

                                         QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2]
o27 : RingMap QQ[t0][t1][t2] <-- ------------------------------------------
                                                  2                 2
                                 (2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)

Projective jets data is stored separately under *.projet or *.cache.projet to accommodate for the different grading.

i28 : jets(2,I,Projective=>true)

                             2                 2
o28 = ideal (2x0*x2 - y2 + x1 , 2x0*x1 - y1, x0  - y0)

o28 : Ideal of QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2]
i29 : peek I.cache.projet

o29 = CacheTable{jetsMatrix => {-2} | 2x0x2-y2+x1^2 |}
                               {-1} | 2x0x1-y1      |
                               {0}  | x0^2-y0       |
                 jetsMaxOrder => 2
i30 : peek R.projet

o30 = CacheTable{jetsMaxOrder => 2                     }
                 jetsRing => QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2]


No data is cached when computing jets of affine varieties and (hyper)graphs, radicals, or principal components.
