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Packages » Jets > jets > jets(ZZ,QuotientRing)
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jets(ZZ,QuotientRing) -- the jets of an affine algebra



This function is provided by the package Jets. Forms the jets of a QuotientRing by forming the quotient of jets(ZZ,PolynomialRing) of the ambient ring of Q with jets(ZZ,Ideal) of the ideal defining Q

i1 : R = QQ[x,y];
i2 : I = ideal(y^2-x^3);

o2 : Ideal of R
i3 : Q = R/I;
i4 : JQ = jets(2,Q);
i5 : describe JQ

                          QQ[x0, y0][x1, y1][x2, y2]
o5 = -------------------------------------------------------------------
           2                    2     2       2                 3     2
     (- 3x0 x2 + 2y0*y2 - 3x0*x1  + y1 , - 3x0 x1 + 2y0*y1, - x0  + y0 )


Forming quotients triggers a Groebner basis computation, which may be time consuming.

Ways to use this method: