Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » LatticePolytopes :: randZPoly
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randZPoly -- gives a random lattice polytope



Given integers v and n this function returns a random lattice polytope with v vertices in ambient dimension n contained in [-1000,1000]^n.

i1 : P=randZPoly(5,3)

o1 = P

o1 : Polyhedron
i2 : vertices P

o2 = | -265 -865 -904 -740 -927 |
     | -802 -224 113  585  167  |
     | -536 -448 -412 330  334  |

              3       5
o2 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ

You can also specify an integer e. This has the effect of changing the randomisation procedure so that a random polytope in [-10^e,10^e]^n is returned.

i3 : P=randZPoly(5,3,5)

o3 = P

o3 : Polyhedron
i4 : vertices P

o4 = | 3297   61657  62920  -64604 -92414 |
     | -49728 -20276 -40785 45628  14550  |
     | -86696 -76074 -66164 -61192 35327  |

              3       5
o4 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ

See also

Ways to use randZPoly :

For the programmer

The object randZPoly is a method function.