Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » M0nbar :: DivisorClassRepresentativeM0nbar
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DivisorClassRepresentativeM0nbar -- class implementing divisors on the moduli space of stable n-pointed genus zero curves


This class represents divisor classes in $ NS^1(\bar{M}_{0,n}) $. A divisor class is just a linear combination of the boundary divisors $ \delta_I $.

i1 : H=new HashTable from { {{1,3},1}, {{1,4},1} };
i2 : divisorClassRepresentativeM0nbar(6,H)

o2 = DivisorClassRepresentativeM0nbar{"DivisorExpression" => HashTable{{1, 3} => 1}}
                                                                       {1, 4} => 1
                                      "NumberOfMarkedPoints" => 6

o2 : DivisorClassRepresentativeM0nbar

Functions and methods returning an object of class DivisorClassRepresentativeM0nbar :

Methods that use an object of class DivisorClassRepresentativeM0nbar :

For the programmer

The object DivisorClassRepresentativeM0nbar is a type, with ancestor classes HashTable < Thing.