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apropos -- symbols matching a pattern



In the simplest case, the list of symbols containing the given string is returned.

i1 : apropos "atrix"

o1 = {blockMatrixForm, ChangeMatrix, compactMatrixForm, diagonalMatrix,
     fillMatrix, genericMatrix, genericSkewMatrix, genericSymmetricMatrix,
     getChangeMatrix, Matrix, matrix, MatrixExpression, MinimalMatrix,
     MutableMatrix, mutableMatrix, randomMutableMatrix, submatrix,
     submatrix', submatrixByDegrees, sylvesterMatrix, SyzygyMatrix}

o1 : List

Regular expressions allow for more complicated requests. For example, to find all functions that start with mat or Mat:

i2 : apropos "^[mM]at"

o2 = {match, mathML, Matrix, matrix, MatrixExpression}

o2 : List

See also

Ways to use apropos :

For the programmer

The object apropos is a method function.