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Packages » MatchingFields > topeField
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topeField -- Constructor of a tope field



The standard constructor of a tope field. If the constructor is supplied with a matching field and no type, then the type is automatically set to $1,1, \dots, 1$.

i1 : MF = diagonalMatchingField(3,6);
i2 : TF = topeField MF

o2 = Tope field: n = 6 and type = {1, 1, 1}

o2 : TopeField
i3 : TF' = topeField(MF, {2,1})

o3 = Tope field: n = 6 and type = {2, 1}

o3 : TopeField

See also

Ways to use topeField :

For the programmer

The object topeField is a method function.
