Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » NAGtypes :: isRealPoint
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isRealPoint -- determine whether a point is real



i1 : needsPackage "NumericalAlgebraicGeometry"

o1 = NumericalAlgebraicGeometry

o1 : Package
i2 : R = CC[x,y];
i3 : sols = solveSystem{x^3-y^2, x-y-2}

o3 = {{-2*ii, -2-2*ii}, {2*ii, -2+2*ii}, {1, -1}}

o3 : List
i4 : sols / isRealPoint

o4 = {false, false, true}

o4 : List

Ways to use isRealPoint :

For the programmer

The object isRealPoint is a method function with options.