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Packages » NCAlgebra :: NCMatrix ^ ZZ
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NCMatrix ^ ZZ -- Exponentiate an NCMatrix



This exponentiates an NCMatrix. It should be remarked that the matrix is reduced with the GB of the ring it is over on each iteration of the product. If your algebra is significantly smaller than the tensor algebra, this is a large savings. The input is assumed to be a nonnegative integer at this time.

i1 : A = QQ{x,y,z}

o1 = A

o1 : NCPolynomialRing
i2 : M = ncMatrix {{x, y, z}}

o2 = | x y z |

o2 : NCMatrix
i3 : sigma = ncMap(A,A,{y,z,x})

o3 = NCRingMap A <--- A

o3 : NCRingMap
i4 : N = ncMatrix {{M},{sigma M}, {sigma sigma M}}

o4 = | x y z |
     | y z x |
     | z x y |

o4 : NCMatrix
i5 : N^3

o5 = | z^2*x+z*y*z+z*x*y+y*z*y+y^2*x+y*x*z+x*z^2+x*y^2+x^3 z^2*y+z*y*x+z*x*z+y*z^2+y^3+y*x^2+x*z*x+x*y*z+x^2*y z^3+z*y^2+z*x^2+y*z*x+y^2*z+y*x*y+x*z*y+x*y*x+x^2*z |
     | z^2*y+z*y*x+z*x*z+y*z^2+y^3+y*x^2+x*z*x+x*y*z+x^2*y z^3+z*y^2+z*x^2+y*z*x+y^2*z+y*x*y+x*z*y+x*y*x+x^2*z z^2*x+z*y*z+z*x*y+y*z*y+y^2*x+y*x*z+x*z^2+x*y^2+x^3 |
     | z^3+z*y^2+z*x^2+y*z*x+y^2*z+y*x*y+x*z*y+x*y*x+x^2*z z^2*x+z*y*z+z*x*y+y*z*y+y^2*x+y*x*z+x*z^2+x*y^2+x^3 z^2*y+z*y*x+z*x*z+y*z^2+y^3+y*x^2+x*z*x+x*y*z+x^2*y |

o5 : NCMatrix
i6 : B = A/ncIdeal{y*z + z*y - x^2, x*z + z*x - y^2, z^2 - x*y - y*x}
--Calling Bergman for NCGB calculation.

o6 = B

o6 : NCQuotientRing
i7 : NB = promote(N,B)

o7 = | x y z |
     | y z x |
     | z x y |

o7 : NCMatrix
i8 : NB^3

o8 = | -y^2*z+y^3+y*x*z-y*x*y+x*y*z+x*y^2+2*x*y*x+x^2*z+3*x^2*y y^2*z+y*x*z+2*y*x*y+x*y*z+3*x*y^2-x*y*x-x^2*z+x^2*y+x^3  2*y^2*z+y^3+y*x*y+x*y*x+2*x^2*z+x^3                      |
     | y^2*z+y*x*z+2*y*x*y+x*y*z+3*x*y^2-x*y*x-x^2*z+x^2*y+x^3  2*y^2*z+y^3+y*x*y+x*y*x+2*x^2*z+x^3                      -y^2*z+y^3+y*x*z-y*x*y+x*y*z+x*y^2+2*x*y*x+x^2*z+3*x^2*y |
     | 2*y^2*z+y^3+y*x*y+x*y*x+2*x^2*z+x^3                      -y^2*z+y^3+y*x*z-y*x*y+x*y*z+x*y^2+2*x*y*x+x^2*z+3*x^2*y y^2*z+y*x*z+2*y*x*y+x*y*z+3*x*y^2-x*y*x-x^2*z+x^2*y+x^3  |

o8 : NCMatrix

Ways to use this method: