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Packages » NumericSolutions :: jordanForm
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jordanForm -- Jordan canonical form



i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : A = matrix{{1,2},{-1,3}}

o2 = | 1  2 |
     | -1 3 |

              2       2
o2 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
i3 : (pCh,sepEigs,peigs,palgm,JF) = jordanForm(A)

o3 = (| .816497           .816497           |, {| .816497           |, |
      | .408248+.408248ii .408248-.408248ii |   | .408248+.408248ii |  |
     .816497           |}, {2+ii, 2-ii}, {1, 1}, | 2+ii 0    |)
     .408248-.408248ii |                         | 0    2-ii |

o3 : Sequence


the procedure involves computation over inexact field and hence the results may be not reliable.

See also

Ways to use jordanForm :

For the programmer

The object jordanForm is a method function with options.