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Packages » NumericalAlgebraicGeometry :: Certified
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Certified -- a value for the option Predictor that triggers certified tracking


Tells basic functions, e.g., track, to use soft certification described in

C. Beltran and A. Leykin, "Certified numerical homotopy tracking", Experimental Mathematics 21(1): 69-83 (2012)

The code for robust certification is not incorporated in this package at the moment; the location of this stand-alone code is in the references of

C. Beltran and A. Leykin, "Robust certified numerical homotopy tracking", Foundations of Computational Mathematics 13(2): 253-295 (2013)

The functions related to this paper are:

i1 : R = CC[x,y,z];
i2 : S = {x^2-z^2,y^2-z^2};
i3 : T = {x^2+y^2-z^2, x*y};
i4 : solsS = {(1,-1,1),(1,1,1)};
i5 : track(S,T,solsS,Predictor=>Certified,Normalize=>true)

o5 = {{.00000107266, -.70712, .70712}, {.707125, -1.48993e-7, .707107}}

o5 : List

For the programmer

The object Certified is a symbol.