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Packages » NumericalAlgebraicGeometry :: GateSystem ^ List
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GateSystem ^ List -- a subsystem with specified equations



i1 : variables = declareVariable \ {x,y}

o1 = {x, y}

o1 : List
i2 : F = gateSystem(matrix{variables}, matrix{{x*y-1},{x^3+y^2-2},{x^2+2*y-3}})

o2 = gate system: 2 input(s) ---> 3 output(s)

o2 : GateSystem
i3 : gateMatrix F

o3 = {{((x * y) + -1)}, {(((x * x * x) + (y * y)) + (-1 * 2))}, {(((x * x) +
     (2 * y)) + (-1 * 3))}}

o3 : GateMatrix
i4 : G = F^{0,2}

o4 = gate system: 2 input(s) ---> 2 output(s)

o4 : GateSystem
i5 : gateMatrix G

o5 = {{((x * y) + -1)}, {(((x * x) + (2 * y)) + (-1 * 3))}}

o5 : GateMatrix

Ways to use this method: