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Packages » NumericalAlgebraicGeometry :: refine(List,List)
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refine(List,List) -- refine numerical solutions to a system of polynomial equations



Uses Newton's method to correct the given solutions so that the resulting approximation has its estimated relative error bounded by min(ErrorTolerance,2^(-Bits)). The number of iterations made is at most Iterations.

i1 : R = CC[x];
i2 : F = polySystem {x^2-2};
i3 : P := refine(F, point{{1.5+0.001*ii}}, Bits=>1000)

o3 = {1.41421}

o3 : Point
i4 : first coordinates P

o4 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769480731766797379907324

o4 : CC (of precision 1002)
i5 : R = CC[x,y];
i6 : T = {x^2+y^2-1, x*y};
i7 : sols = { {1.1,-0.1}, {0.1,1.2} };
i8 : refine(T, sols, Software=>M2, ErrorTolerance=>.001, Iterations=>10)

o8 = {{1, -2.17629e-17}, {7.01931e-15, 1}}

o8 : List

In case of a singular (multiplicity>1) solution, while solveSystem and track return the end of the homotopy paths marked as a 'failure', it is possible to improve the quality of approximation with refine. The resulting point will be marked as singular:

i9 : R = CC[x,y];
i10 : S = {x^2-1,y^2-1};
i11 : T = {x^2+y^2-1, (x-y)^2};
i12 : solsS = {(1,1),(-1,-1)};
i13 : solsT = track(S,T,solsS)

o13 = {[M,t=.999998], [M,t=.999998]}

o13 : List
i14 : solsT / coordinates

o14 = {{.70667, .707543}, {-.70667, -.707543}}

o14 : List
i15 : refSols = refine(T, solsT)

o15 = {(.707107, .707107), (-.707107, -.707107)}

o15 : List
i16 : refSols / status

o16 = {Singular, Singular}

o16 : List

The failure to complete the refinement procedure is indicated by warning messages and the resulting point is displayed as [R].

i17 : R = CC[x];
i18 : F = polySystem {x^2-2};
i19 : Q := refine(F, point{{1.5+0.001*ii}}, Bits=>1000, Iterations=>2)

o19 = [RF]

o19 : Point
i20 : peek Q

o20 = Point{cache => CacheTable{...4...}}
            Coordinates => {1.41422}


There are 2 'safety' bits in the computation. If the condition of the system at the refined point is poor the number of correct bits may be much smaller than requested.

See also

Ways to use this method: