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OIResolution -- the class of all resolutions of submodules of free OI-modules


This type implements free resolutions of submodules of free OI-modules. To make an OIResolution object, use oiRes. To verify that an OI-resolution is a complex, use isComplex. To get the $n$th differential in an OI-resolution C, use C.dd_n.

i1 : P = makePolynomialOIAlgebra(2, x, QQ);
i2 : F = makeFreeOIModule(e, {1,1}, P);
i3 : installGeneratorsInWidth(F, 2);
i4 : b = x_(1,2)*x_(1,1)*e_(2,{2},1)+x_(2,2)*x_(2,1)*e_(2,{1},2);
i5 : time C = oiRes({b}, 1)
 -- used 0.256118s (cpu); 0.195594s (thread); 0s (gc)

o5 = 0: (e0, {2}, {-2})
     1: (e1, {4, 4}, {-4, -4})

o5 : OIResolution
i6 : C.dd_0

o6 = Source: (e0, {2}, {-2}) Target: (e, {1, 1}, {0, 0})

o6 : FreeOIModuleMap

Functions and methods returning an object of class OIResolution :

Methods that use an object of class OIResolution :

For the programmer

The object OIResolution is a type, with ancestor classes HashTable < Thing.