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Packages » PHCpack :: refineSolutions
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refineSolutions -- refines solutions of a system by increasing working precision



The user can specify the number of decimal places desired to refine solutions.

Let us compute a square root with a working precision of 64 decimal places:

i1 : R = CC[x,y]; S = {x^2 - 1/3, x*y - 1}; ourRoots = solveSystem(S);
i4 : r0 = ourRoots#0#Coordinates#1

o4 = 1.73205080756888

o4 : CC (of precision 53)
i5 : newRoots = refineSolutions(S,ourRoots,64)

o5 = {{.57735, 1.73205}, {-.57735, -1.73205}}

o5 : List
i6 : newRoots#0 -- recall that solutions are of type Point

o6 = {.57735, 1.73205}

o6 : Point
i7 : r1 = newRoots#0#Coordinates#1

o7 = 1.73205080756887735414922460641658082304678611432812598193257967

o7 : CC (of precision 213)

Ways to use refineSolutions :

For the programmer

The object refineSolutions is a method function with options.