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vectorBundleOnE -- creates a VectorBundleOnE, represented as a matrix factorization



A vector bundle on a hyperelliptic curve E with equation y^2 - (-1)^g * f can be represented by it's pushforward V to PP^1, under the degree 2 map, which will be a vector bundle of twice the rank, together with a matrix M = V.yAction, specifying the action of y. The matrix must therefore satisfy M^2 = (-1)^g * f. Here f is the hyperellipticBranchEquation, a form on PP^1 of degree 2g+2

The following gives an example for g=1, constructing a random line bundle of degree 0, and computing its order in the Picard group; and the producing a random extension of this bundle by a random line bundle of order -1.

The random matrix factorization of f has the form

b c

a -b

where a is the lowest degree factor of f-b^2 (or f+b^2), depending on the desired sign, and values of b are taken randomly until one giving a nontrivial factorization over the given ground field is found. Note that this works well over a finite field, but is unlikely to work over QQ.

i1 : kk=ZZ/101

o1 = kk

o1 : QuotientRing
i2 : R = kk[s,t]

o2 = R

o2 : PolynomialRing
i3 : f =(s+2*t)*(s+t)*(s-t)*(s-2*t)

      4     2 2     4
o3 = s  - 5s t  + 4t

o3 : R
i4 : L0 = randomLineBundle(0,f)

o4 = VectorBundleOnE{...1...}

o4 : VectorBundleOnE
i5 : (L0.yAction)^2

o5 = {-1} | s4-5s2t2+4t4 0            |
     {-1} | 0            s4-5s2t2+4t4 |

             2      2
o5 : Matrix R  <-- R
i6 : degOnE L0

o6 = 0
i7 : orderInPic L0

o7 = 60
i8 : L1 = randomLineBundle(-1,f)

o8 = VectorBundleOnE{...1...}

o8 : VectorBundleOnE
i9 : degOnE L1

o9 = -1
i10 : L1.yAction

o10 = {-2} | -10s2-29st-8t2 16s3-21s2t-2st2+41t3 |
      {-1} | 38s+t          10s2+29st+8t2        |

              2      2
o10 : Matrix R  <-- R
i11 : F = randomExtension(L1,L0)

o11 = VectorBundleOnE{...1...}

o11 : VectorBundleOnE
i12 : F.yAction

o12 = {-2} | -10s2-29st-8t2 16s3-21s2t-2st2+41t3 -30s3+24s2t-27st2-41t3
      {-1} | 38s+t          10s2+29st+8t2        42s2-2st+22t2         
      {-1} | 0              0                    -29s2+19st+19t2       
      {-1} | 0              0                    47s2-22st+t2          
      -22s3-16s2t-11st2-47t3 |
      9s2+32st-48t2          |
      38s2+9st+47t2          |
      29s2-19st-19t2         |

              4      4
o12 : Matrix R  <-- R
i13 : degOnE tensorProduct(L1,F)

o13 = -3

See also

Ways to use vectorBundleOnE :

For the programmer

The object vectorBundleOnE is a method function.