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Packages » Posets :: gapConvertPoset
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gapConvertPoset -- converts between Macaulay2's Posets and GAP's Posets



The GAP package Simplicial Homology, available at, provides methods for using posets within GAP. According to the documentation, posets are stored in GAP in the following manor: The ground set is the set of integers $1..n+1$ and the relations are stored in a list of length $n$, where the $i$th entry is the set of vertices which cover $i$ in the poset. In particular, $1$ should be the unique minimal element and $n+1$ should be the unique maximal element.

When converting from GAP format, the conversion is direct using the above convention. In this example, S is generated with the GAP command OrderRelationToPoset(Subsets([1,2,3]), IsSubset);.

i1 : S = "[ [ 3 ], [ 10 ], [ 4, 7, 9 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 2 ], [ 2 ], [ 5, 8 ], [ 2 ], [ 6, 8 ], [  ] ]";
i2 : P = gapConvertPoset S

o2 = P

o2 : Poset
i3 : P == augmentPoset booleanLattice 3

o3 = true

When converting to GAP format, the method automatically augments the poset. In this example, the $3$ chain becomes a $5$ chain in GAP format.

i4 : gapConvertPoset chain 3

o4 = [[2], [3], [4], [5], []]

See also

Ways to use gapConvertPoset :

For the programmer

The object gapConvertPoset is a method function.