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Packages » Posets :: zetaPolynomial
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zetaPolynomial -- computes the zeta polynomial of a poset



The zeta polynomial of $P$ is the polynomial $z$ such that for every $i > 1$, $z(i)$ is the number of weakly increasing chains of $i-1$ vertices in $P$.

The zeta polynomial of the $n$ booleanLattice is $q^n$.

i1 : B = booleanLattice 3;
i2 : z = zetaPolynomial B

o2 = q

o2 : QQ[q]

Thus, $z(2)$ is the number of vertices of $P$, and $z(3)$ is the number of total relations in $P$.

i3 : #B.GroundSet == sub(z, (ring z)_0 => 2)

o3 = true
i4 : #allRelations B == sub(z, (ring z)_0 => 3)

o4 = true

See also

Ways to use zetaPolynomial :

For the programmer

The object zetaPolynomial is a method function with options.