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probability -- cumulative distribution function



The cumulative distribution function of the probability distribution, i.e., the lower tail probability \(F_X(x) = P(X \leq x)\).

i1 : Z = normalDistribution()

o1 = N(0,1)

o1 : ContinuousProbabilityDistribution
i2 : probability_Z 1.96

o2 = .97500210485178

o2 : RR (of precision 53)

If the LowerTail option is false, then it instead computes the value of the survival function, i.e., the upper tail probability \(S_X(x) = P(X > x)\).

i3 : probability_Z(1.96, LowerTail => false)

o3 = .0249978951482204

o3 : RR (of precision 53)

Ways to use probability :

For the programmer

The object probability is a method function with options.