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Packages » Python :: value(PythonObject)
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value(PythonObject) -- convert python objects to Macaulay2 things



This function attempts to convert x to its corresponding Macaulay2 equivalent.

i1 : value pythonValue "[1, 3.14159, 'foo', (1,2,3), {'foo':'bar'}]"

o1 = {1, 3.14159, foo, (1, 2, 3), HashTable{"foo" => bar}}

o1 : List
i2 : class \ oo

o2 = {ZZ, RR, String, Sequence, HashTable}

o2 : List

Since the type of x is not initially known, a sequence of hooks are used to determine its type and then convert it.

i3 : hooks value

o3 = {0 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => unknown -> PythonObject)    }
     {1 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => function -> FunctionClosure)}
     {2 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => Counter -> Tally)           }
     {3 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => dict -> HashTable)          }
     {4 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => set -> Set)                 }
     {5 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => list -> List)               }
     {6 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => tuple -> Sequence)          }
     {7 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => str -> String)              }
     {8 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => complex -> CC)              }
     {9 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => float -> RR)                }
     {10 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => int -> ZZ)                 }
     {11 => (value, PythonObject, Strategy => bool -> Boolean)           }

o3 : NumberedVerticalList

If no conversion can be done, then x is returned.

i4 : pythonValue "int"

o4 = <class 'int'>

o4 : PythonObject of class type
i5 : value oo

o5 = <class 'int'>

o5 : PythonObject of class type

Users may add additional hooks using addHook or the convenience function addPyToM2Function.

Ways to use this method: