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Packages » QuadraticIdealExamplesByRoos > higherDepthTable
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higherDepthTable -- Creates hashtable of Jan-Erik Roos' examples of quadratic ideals with positive depth



This outputs the examples in Tables 3-7 of positive depth. These are those in the tables with non-bold row index.

i1 : higherDepthTable

o1 = HashTable{1 => ideal 0                           }
               2 => ideal x
                            2   2
               3 => ideal (x , y )
               4 => ideal (x , x*y)
                            2   2   2
               5 => ideal (x , y , z )
                            2   2
               6 => ideal (x , y  + x*z, y*z)
                            2   2
               8 => ideal (x , y , x*z)
                            2        2
               9 => ideal (x , x*y, y )
               10 => ideal (x , x*y, x*z)
                                       2   2
               23 => ideal (x*z, x*u, y , z )
               26 => ideal (x*z, y , y*u, z*u)
               27 => ideal (x*y, x*z, y , y*z)
                             2             2   2
               50 => ideal (x , x*y, x*z, y , z )
                             2             2
               52 => ideal (x , x*y, x*z, y , y*z)
                             2             2        2
               68 => ideal (x , x*y, x*z, y , y*z, z )

o1 : HashTable

For the programmer

The object higherDepthTable is a hash table.