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Packages » RandomComplexes :: testTimeForLLLonSyzygies
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testTimeForLLLonSyzygies -- test timing for LLL on syzygies



We randomly choose an $r \times\ n$ matrix A over ZZ with entries up to the given Height, and take the time to compute B=ker A and an LLL basis of B.

i1 : setRandomSeed "nice example 2";
i2 : r=10,n=20

o2 = (10, 20)

o2 : Sequence
i3 : (m,t1,t2)=testTimeForLLLonSyzygies(r,n,Height=>11)

o3 = ({5, 2.91596e52, 9}, .00135995, .00072854)

o3 : Sequence
i4 : (m,t1,t2)=testTimeForLLLonSyzygies(15,30,Height=>100)

o4 = ({50, 2.30853e454, 98}, .0043922, .0316707)

o4 : Sequence
i5 : L=apply(10,c->(testTimeForLLLonSyzygies(15,30))_{1,2})

o5 = {{.033232, .0106176}, {.00414418, .00358999}, {.00420015, .00617534},
     {.00467032, .0088505}, {.016206, .0117574}, {.00474543, .0111551},
     {.00387061, .00720546}, {.00427232, .00671084}, {.00375024, .00483906},
     {.0152439, .00725119}}

o5 : List
i6 : 1/10*sum(L,t->t_0)

o6 = .00943351499999999

o6 : RR (of precision 53)
i7 : 1/10*sum(L,t->t_1)

o7 = .00781525949999999

o7 : RR (of precision 53)

Ways to use testTimeForLLLonSyzygies :

For the programmer

The object testTimeForLLLonSyzygies is a method function with options.