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Packages » RationalMaps :: mapOntoImage
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mapOntoImage -- the induced map from a variety to the closure of its image under a rational map



Given $f : X \to Y$ mapOntoImage returns $X \to \overline{\phi(X)}$. Alternately, given $f: S \to R$, mapOntoImage just returns $S/(kernel f) \to R$. mapOntoImage first computes whether the kernel is $0$ without calling ker, which can have speed advantages.

i1 : R = QQ[x,y];
i2 : S = QQ[a,b,c];
i3 : f = map(R, S, {x^2, x*y, y^2});

o3 : RingMap R <-- S
i4 : mapOntoImage(f)

                 S       2        2
o4 = map (R, --------, {x , x*y, y })
             b  - a*c

o4 : RingMap R <-- --------
                   b  - a*c
i5 : phi = rationalMapping f

                               2        2
o5 = Proj R - - - > Proj S   {x , x*y, y }

o5 : RationalMapping
i6 : mapOntoImage(phi)

                        /    S   \     2        2
o6 = Proj R - - - > Proj|--------|   {x , x*y, y }
                        | 2      |
                        \b  - a*c/

o6 : RationalMapping

Ways to use mapOntoImage :

For the programmer

The object mapOntoImage is a method function with options.