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Packages » RationalMaps :: source(RationalMapping)
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source(RationalMapping) -- returns the source or target of a RationalMapping between projective varieties.



Given a RationalMapping between projective varieties these functions can be used to return the source or target.

i1 : R = QQ[a,b];
i2 : S = QQ[x,y,z];
i3 : P2 = Proj R;
i4 : P3 = Proj S;
i5 : f = map(R, S, {a,b,0});

o5 : RingMap R <-- S
i6 : phi = rationalMapping f;
i7 : source phi

o7 = P2

o7 : ProjectiveVariety
i8 : target phi

o8 = P3

o8 : ProjectiveVariety
i9 : source f

o9 = S

o9 : PolynomialRing
i10 : target f

o10 = R

o10 : PolynomialRing

Note that the source of phi corresponds to the target of f and the target of phi corresponds to the source of f.

Ways to use this method: