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creating gates


This method returns a type of Gate from the given data. Some specific Gates are constructed as follows:

InputGate is constructed with inputGate name, if name is a number then this gate is assumed to be constant.

i1 : declareVariable X

o1 = X

o1 : InputGate
i2 : declareVariable Y

o2 = Y

o2 : InputGate
i3 : inputGate 3

o3 = 3

o3 : InputGate

SumGate is constructed with sumGate L, where L is a list of gates, or Gate + Gate.

i4 : X + 1

o4 = (X + 1)

o4 : SumGate
i5 : sumGate{X,Y}

o5 = (X + Y)

o5 : SumGate

ProductGate is constructed with productGate L, where L is a list of gates, or Gate * Gate.

i6 : 2*Y

o6 = (2 * Y)

o6 : ProductGate
i7 : productGate{X,-X,Y}

o7 = (X * (-1 * X) * Y)

o7 : ProductGate

DivideGate is constructed with Gate / Gate.

i8 : X / Y

o8 = -

o8 : DivideGate

DetGate is constructed with detGate L, where L is a doubly-nested list of gates, or det A, where A is a GateMatrix.

i9 : detGate {{X, Y}, {-Y, X}}

o9 = det| X        Y |
        | (-1 * Y) X |

o9 : DetGate
i10 : det matrix{{Y, 1}, {-1, X}}

o10 = det| Y  1 |
         | -1 X |

o10 : DetGate

See also