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measuring the size of circuits


The depth of an algebraic circuit is the length of the longest path of evaluations from any input gate to any output gate.

i1 : declareVariable x

o1 = x

o1 : InputGate
i2 : f = x + 1

o2 = (x + 1)

o2 : SumGate
i3 : n = 12;
i4 : for i from 1 to n do f = f*f -- f = (x+1)^(2^n)
i5 : depth f

o5 = 13

depth is not the sole indicator of circuit complexity. For instance, the total number of gates in a circuit (sometimes referred to as its "size") also plays a role. "countGates" returns the number of constituent Gates according to their type.

i6 : x = symbol x

o6 = x

o6 : Symbol
i7 : n = 8

o7 = 8
i8 : varGates = declareVariable \ for i from 1 to n list x_i

o8 = {x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x }
       1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

o8 : List
i9 : G1 = gateMatrix{{x_1+x_2+x_3+x_4+x_5+x_6+x_7+x_8}}

o9 = {{(((((((x  + x ) + x ) + x ) + x ) + x ) + x ) + x )}}
               1    2     3     4     5     6     7     8

o9 : GateMatrix
i10 : G2 = gateMatrix{{((x_1+x_2)+(x_3+x_4))+((x_5+x_6)+(x_7+x_8))}}

o10 = {{(((x  + x ) + (x  + x )) + ((x  + x ) + (x  + x )))}}
            1    2      3    4        5    6      7    8

o10 : GateMatrix
i11 : depth G1

o11 = 7
i12 : depth G2

o12 = 3
i13 : countGates G1

o13 = HashTable{cache => CacheTable{...15...}}
                InputGate => 8
                SumGate => 7

o13 : HashTable
i14 : countGates G2

o14 = HashTable{cache => CacheTable{...15...}}
                InputGate => 8
                SumGate => 7

o14 : HashTable

See also