Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » Schubert2 :: BundleRanks
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BundleRanks -- get the ranks of the tautological sheaves on a flag bundle



i1 : G = abstractProjectiveSpace 7

o1 = G

o1 : a flag bundle with subquotient ranks {1, 7}
i2 : G.BundleRanks

o2 = {1, 7}

o2 : List
i3 : X = flagBundle {1,2,3}

o3 = X

o3 : a flag bundle with subquotient ranks {1..3}
i4 : X.BundleRanks

o4 = {1, 2, 3}

o4 : List

For the programmer

The object BundleRanks is a symbol.