Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » SimplicialComplexes :: rudinBallComplex(PolynomialRing)
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rudinBallComplex(PolynomialRing) -- make a nonshellable 3-ball with 14 vertices and 41 facets



As described in Mary Ellen Rudin's "An unshellable triangulation of a tetrahedron", Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 64 (1958) 90–91, this method returns triangulation of a 3-ball with 14 vertices and 41 facets that is not shellable. This abstract simplicial complex has a convex realization.

i1 : S = ZZ/101[a..s];
i2 : Δ = rudinBallComplex S;
i3 : matrix {facets Δ}

o3 = | klmn hlmn ikmn fjmn djmn fimn dhmn jkln bjln bhln cjkn eikn egkn cgkn
     cfjn bdjn efin bdhn gklm eilm cilm ehlm cglm aikm agkm efim acim dehm
     acgm fjkl fhkl dhkl dgkl bfjl bfhl dehl cdgl cfjk aeik aegk cdgk |

             1      41
o3 : Matrix S  <-- S
i4 : dim Δ

o4 = 3
i5 : fVector Δ

o5 = {1, 14, 66, 94, 41}

o5 : List
i6 : assert(dim Δ === 3 and isPure Δ)
i7 : assert(fVector Δ === {1,14,66,94,41})

This abstract simplicial complex is Cohen-Macaulay but not shellable.

Our enumeration of the vertices follows the rudin example in Masahiro Hachimori's simplicial complex library.

See also

Ways to use this method: